Chinese translation for "identical with the original"
- 与原件一样
Related Translations:
identical: adj.同一的;同样的;【数学】恒等的 (with); 【生物学】同卵的。 on the identical day 在同一天。 the identical person 同一人。 an identical conception 【逻辑学】同一概念。 identical twins 【生物学】同卵双生 (cf. fraternal twin)。 identical equa
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Please write here “ identical with the original ” 请您在此签上“与原件一样”字样。 | | 2. | Now write here “ identical with the original ” 魏:请您在此签上与“原件一样”字样。 | | 3. | W : now write here “ identical with the original ” 魏:请您在此签上与“原件一样”字样。 | | 4. | The copy is identical with the original 这件复制品与原件一模一样。 | | 5. | With the copy is identical with the original 复制品与原件一模一样 | | 6. | A condition in which the data has not been changed or destroyed in an unauthorised way , such that the current state is identical with the original state before transmission 数据没有遭到未获授权而作出的更改或毁坏的情况,因此,数据的现有状态与传输前的原本状态相同。 |
- Similar Words:
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